Monday, November 14, 2011
Fall Family Frolic
We had a lot of fun up in Brian Head this year for our Fall Family Frolic! We always look forward to UEA because that is when we have our Fall Family Frolic. This year we went to the same cabin that we stayed in last year. A lot of four wheeling, crafting, eating, and playing with cousins happened up there. Kaden fell asleep every time we went four wheeling. Kaden loves being outside and he loves playing with his cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. We all had a good time and we can't wait for next year.

Monday, October 10, 2011
6 Months Old
My little baby is 6 months old. He is growning up so fast. He loves to stand and jump, i think he will walk before he crawls. He loves to eat. His highchair reclines and his favorite way to eat is to have it reclined back with one of his feet up on the tray. He loves being outside and he loves playing with his cousins. He sleeps through the night in his crib which is fabulous for me!! He says dada all the time and he only says mama when he gets mad. He loves his dad so much! He thinks i am hillarious...I totally am:) He has the worlds cutest laugh! He is the happiest baby. He honestly is always smiling unless he is hungry, tired, or is around Papa Dennis then he gets really serious. We love our little Kaden so much!

Poop on the Potty
One might think that I am a crazy mom making my 5 1/2 month old poop on the potty. Well I might be crazy but at least I'm not a crazy mom who is changing poopy diapers. Kaden is extremely obvious when he is going to the bathroom. I was sick of waiting for him to finish in his diaper so i could change him. I decided to stick him on the toilet one morning and wouldn't you know it...he went in the potty. He goes every morning like clock work, and I actually think he is somewhat understanding what is going on because as soon as i stick him on the toilet he starts grunting, it is quite funny. We have gone about 3 weeks and he has only gone in his diaper twice so i think we are doing pretty good. We will see how long it lasts!
September Happenings
September came and went in a whirlwind of fun! I'm pretty sure we were busy every weekend in September. We went to Delta over Labor Day to ride my grandpa's horses and to play on his tractors. I had the horse ride of my life while we were there. I really like horses and I'm not and excellent rider, but I can hold my own. I got on my grandpa's horse named Mustang and i thought I would go for a trot around the feed lot. Well Mustang had a mind of his own and instead of trotting he started to sprint. I tried stopping him probably 6 times but he just wouldn't stop. All I could do was hold on for dear life and pee my pants. I don't even care that I peed my pants, i'm just happy i didnt die.
Braden and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary on Sept 19. We went to Disneyland for our anniversary. We had a blast. We left Kaden with my parents for 2 nights. We have never left Kaden for even a night, so 2 nights was pretty hard. We have had a really great 2 years and i'm looking forward to many many more!
Swiss Days is always the 4th Saturday in September, and you better believe we ran the swiss days 5k. neither of us did good, braden actually couldn't walk for 3 days after because he hasn't excersised in so was hillarious.

Braden and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary on Sept 19. We went to Disneyland for our anniversary. We had a blast. We left Kaden with my parents for 2 nights. We have never left Kaden for even a night, so 2 nights was pretty hard. We have had a really great 2 years and i'm looking forward to many many more!
Swiss Days is always the 4th Saturday in September, and you better believe we ran the swiss days 5k. neither of us did good, braden actually couldn't walk for 3 days after because he hasn't excersised in so was hillarious.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Kadens cousins from Detroit visited for pretty much the whole month of August. They hadn't met Kaden yet so it was fun to be able to spend lots of time together so they could get to know eachother. We did lots of fun stuff while they were here including riding the zip line, swimming, and letting Hope carry Kaden around. Kaden loves all of his cousins so much!

Monday, August 22, 2011
Happy Birthday President Monson!
It was President Monson's Birthday Aug. 21. We were in Salt Lake for a family Reunion so we got to go with Braden's parents to wish President Monson a Happy Birthday. When we first went into his office it was just me Braden and his parents. We left the kids outside with Aubree because they were kinda wild. We were in there talking to President Monson and his secretary and Lisa said we better go because all the kids are outside and President Monson said, " Well bring the kids in, I would like to see them." Braden ran outside and helped Aubree bring all the kids in. It was really fun to see President Monson with the kids, he really loves kids. He took them into his office to show them all the fun things he had in there. He had this wooden fish that he was showing Hope and Addy. He said whatever you do don't drop them. Luckily he turned around in his chair right as Hope threw the fish up into the air and let it fall to the floor!! Braden, Aubree, and I started laughing under our breath and grabbed the fish so she couldn't do it again. The fish was just fine and President Monson didn't know any different. It was really fun to be able to wish President Monson a Happy Birthday in person!
President Monson said, "I don't know if i should hold him, I'm kind of weak." Braden said, "O it's ok that you are weak because he is strong."
Friday, July 29, 2011
3 Months old
Kaden is 3 months now, well he is actually older then that, but he is closer to 3 months the 4 at this point in time. It's been the greatest/hardest 3 months of our lives. Kaden is an extremely good baby, he hardly ever cries and he always seems to be happy. He doesn't like to be ignored that's for sure. It's a good thing we have cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents so close to give him lots of love and attention as if braden and I don't give him any:) Kaden loves to eat. He has started eating baby food. I had to stop breast feeding him because my body wasn't healing from delivery.My doctor told me to stop breast feeding him and he put me on a birth control to try and fix the problem the easy way otherwise it would require surgery of sorts and i didn't want that. Kaden did really great with the whole switch to bottles and baby food. He is growing like crazy. I'm not sure how much he weighs but i know it is over 12 lbs. He wears a size 3-6 month clothes and a size 1-2 diaper. 
It's really fun to go swimming with our friends and cousins
Kaden has the cutest smile! He thinks his mom and
Lake Powell
We went to lake powell the very end of May-beginning of June. We went with braden's family, the Parrys and the Websters. The Parry's own the houseboat and it is extremely nice. We had a blast and are glad that we went. 
Kaden just chillin in his swim suit
Braden went wake boarding in the freezing cold water, but he had a dry suit on so he was fine.

Kaden's life jacket was a bit big for him, but he was
a champ and wore it when we weren't on the house boat.
Family pictures
when Kaden was almost a month old we got family pictures with my family. It was fun to get professional pictures done as a family when he was so little. Kaden loves his cousins and his cousins love him. We are lucky enough to be neighbors with all 3 of his wardell cousins and we get to play with them on a regular basis. 

Kaden's Big Day
Part fish Part human
Kaden absolutely loves the water! when he is really upset and we can't get him to calm down i get in the bath with him and he calms down immediately. His first bath was actually a shower when he was 9 days old. When we have him in the shower he likes the water to run on his face, and when we are swimming and we dunk him under the water he doesn't cry...he's kinda a weird baby, but we embrace his fish side.
swimming with cousin Taizlee
thats his i love the bath so much look
first time skinny dipping at 2 wks old
Easter Weekend
Easter was late this year, it wasn't until April 24th. I'm glad easter was late this year so Kaden could be here for it. We took Kaden to church for the first time on Easter, He went on his first easter egg hunt, and on his first easter basket hunt! He totally loved all of it ha! He was asleep for most of the festivities. He did wake up in church so aunt Jana happily offered to go change him so I happily excepted the offer. Kaden peed all over aunt jana and his clothes and my diaper bag, i'm glad jana took him and not me:) 

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