Friday, July 29, 2011
3 Months old
Kaden is 3 months now, well he is actually older then that, but he is closer to 3 months the 4 at this point in time. It's been the greatest/hardest 3 months of our lives. Kaden is an extremely good baby, he hardly ever cries and he always seems to be happy. He doesn't like to be ignored that's for sure. It's a good thing we have cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents so close to give him lots of love and attention as if braden and I don't give him any:) Kaden loves to eat. He has started eating baby food. I had to stop breast feeding him because my body wasn't healing from delivery.My doctor told me to stop breast feeding him and he put me on a birth control to try and fix the problem the easy way otherwise it would require surgery of sorts and i didn't want that. Kaden did really great with the whole switch to bottles and baby food. He is growing like crazy. I'm not sure how much he weighs but i know it is over 12 lbs. He wears a size 3-6 month clothes and a size 1-2 diaper. 
It's really fun to go swimming with our friends and cousins
Kaden has the cutest smile! He thinks his mom and
Lake Powell
We went to lake powell the very end of May-beginning of June. We went with braden's family, the Parrys and the Websters. The Parry's own the houseboat and it is extremely nice. We had a blast and are glad that we went. 
Kaden just chillin in his swim suit
Braden went wake boarding in the freezing cold water, but he had a dry suit on so he was fine.

Kaden's life jacket was a bit big for him, but he was
a champ and wore it when we weren't on the house boat.
Family pictures
when Kaden was almost a month old we got family pictures with my family. It was fun to get professional pictures done as a family when he was so little. Kaden loves his cousins and his cousins love him. We are lucky enough to be neighbors with all 3 of his wardell cousins and we get to play with them on a regular basis. 

Kaden's Big Day
Part fish Part human
Kaden absolutely loves the water! when he is really upset and we can't get him to calm down i get in the bath with him and he calms down immediately. His first bath was actually a shower when he was 9 days old. When we have him in the shower he likes the water to run on his face, and when we are swimming and we dunk him under the water he doesn't cry...he's kinda a weird baby, but we embrace his fish side.
swimming with cousin Taizlee
thats his i love the bath so much look
first time skinny dipping at 2 wks old
Easter Weekend
Easter was late this year, it wasn't until April 24th. I'm glad easter was late this year so Kaden could be here for it. We took Kaden to church for the first time on Easter, He went on his first easter egg hunt, and on his first easter basket hunt! He totally loved all of it ha! He was asleep for most of the festivities. He did wake up in church so aunt Jana happily offered to go change him so I happily excepted the offer. Kaden peed all over aunt jana and his clothes and my diaper bag, i'm glad jana took him and not me:) 

Kaden Davis Mitchell
I know this post is about 3 months late....but he is here!!! Kaden was born April 18, 2011 at 9:42 AM. He weighed 8 lbs 8 oz. and he was 21 in. long. He was as healthy as a horse!! We think he is the cutest little boy in the whole land! My labor story is slightly boring. I went in the 17th around 9 PM with very mild might say i wasn't even having contractions i just wanted him here very badly. They hooked me up to the machine and sure contractions. the nurse said they would monitor me for an hour and see if they pick up. When the nurse left i repositioned myself in the bed cuz i was highly uncomfortable. When i moved the monitor slipped out of place and started picking up my heart rate which obviously is quite different then a babies. The nurse came in and said that she was watching the monitor and they babies heart rate dropped so they were going to start me! I knew that his heart rate didn't really drop, but i wasn't about going to stop them from starting me so i just smiled and said great where do i go!! i was in labor for a very long time. I thought it would have gone quicker because when i went in i was already at a 4 and 90% effaced. I didn't reach a 10 until about 6:30 the next morning and then we had to wait for my doctor to get there. I didn't start pushing until 9:15 and then he was out at 9:42. We are so happy he is here and he is healthy.
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